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This report describes future trends, especially psychological and environmental changes that you are likely to encounter-- even includes the 4 asteroids and Chiron. More...
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Saturn opposes Neptune
(2005 - 2007)
You may see something that seems SO real you think you can reach out and touch it. Yet, your thoughts may be completely unrealistic and grounded only in wishful thinking. You may expect and demand that people give you whatever you want unconditionally, yet without taking responsibility for how you get what you want or how your behavior effects others, your expectations are magical, perhaps known only by you. Maybe you "should" always get your way, just because, no reason other than "God is on your side", or more likely, that you are addicted to life the way it is. In reality, the world was not made entirely in your image and if your defenses do not allow you to see where you are expecting too much, you are likely to continue to have magical expectations that are unfulfilled. If you're constantly disappointed with others, perhaps your expectations and demands of others are not realistic or compassionate. If self-pity gets you down-- start to view others more realistically, not simply as adjuncts of yourself or a way to get your agenda met. Put yourself in the position of someone before rushing to assume, judge, or criticize.

Fault and blame are easy to assign when Saturn and Neptune make contact. What you do by blaming someone -- or even yourself-- is block or obscure the real reasons for events and reactions. While Saturn and Neptune oppose, you may realize that the more you try to cover up or hide the truth, the more you keep yourself stuck and immobile with the best glue of all-- guilt. When you permit yourself to act out frustrations on others, regardless of the reality of the situation, when you insist others feel shamed and pathetic, nothing is solved, and the situation persists..... Doing hurtful, resentful things for "spiritual" reasons may be the biggest lie you will hear or tell yourself during this period. It is very unlikely you will know the real reasons anyone is doing anything while Saturn and Neptune oppose. It's easy to take advantage of someone's kindness and then turn it around and blame them for anything you perceive is wrong with your life. Blaming the victim becomes especially fashionable while Saturn and Neptune oppose. But blame can be counterproductive as it does that change anything or add to your growth. It is your choice, whether to cover up your feelings with defensive pretense or show some natural vulnerability, the kind that shows others you're an honest person and gives them a way to approach you, perhaps even start a friendship. If more growth and involvement is what you hope to achieve, showing your vulnerability helps others to join in.

As Saturn and Neptune slowly approach the opposition phase of their relationship, questions to ask yourself are: does society's opinions and preferences limit your creative or spiritual expression? Do you give and share because you are inspired or because you feel obligated? Is guilt a motivating force in your life? If your authority is challenged, do you cave in and keep giving, even when you KNOW you are over your limit? Do you work slavishly because someone is guilt-tripping you into it? Have you lost faith in people, or in your own ability to stand up for yourself? Perhaps you are working for a higher purpose and don't mind the lack of respect or appreciation for your effort.

The Saturn-Neptune opposition can work the other way around as well. Perhaps you are so involved in your status or position that you scorn anyone who is still in touch with their creative power or shows any emotional vulnerability. After all, she's "not all that". This is defensiveness born of resentment. Resentment can build some ugly scar tissue that can start to effect every facet of your life, mostly making you more unhappy and escapist than inspired and engaging. Instead of mistrusting and resenting, perhaps it is time to respect and honor the creative and spiritual work of yourself AND others, to respect the limits of yourself AND others, to ask and not demand, and to accept that your own expectations and lack of clarity can form images that may NOT have anything to do with reality. Yet, maintaining your illusions, despite evidence to the contrary, can keep you in an imaginary world, moving you farther away from real understanding and compromise. No wonder you feel obscure! If you want the support of others, do you offer your support or do you try to tear people down every chance you get? Do you get the support you need by projecting a false image, by suggesting guilt, or by using your authority to take more than you deserve? The Saturn-Neptune opposition is a time to learn how to use the authority you naturally have to the best advantage of everyone-- including you.

Astrological Saturn
Saturn rules responsibilities, restrictions and limitations you are apt to encounter, and the lessons you must learn in life. It does not deny or diminish imagination, inspiration, spirituality, and good fortune but it does demand that these things be given structure and meaning. Saturn is the astrological ruler of Capricorn and the ancient ruler of Aquarius.

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