Jun 27

Happy Full Moon, seriously

Full Moon
June 27/28
@ 12:53 AM EDT
Moon @ 6 Capricorn 29
Sun @ 6 Cancer 29

The Full Moon, coming late at night (12:53 AM EDT), straddles 2 days. So the actual date depends on where you are. The fruits of the previous NEW MOON are ready to be reaped. If we have done the work of the NEW MOON and found our inner joy, the FULL MOON is the time to reap our revelations. If not, opposites can disconnect and divide. Continue reading

Sep 19

New Moon in Virgo: practically impractical

New Moon
in Virgo
September 20, 2017
@ 1:30 AM EDT

Moon @ 27 Virgo 27
Sun @ 27 Virgo 27

This is a very Virgo New Moon. Not only are the Moon & Sun conjunct in Virgo, Mercury, Mars, and Venus join the Sun & Moon. This is a convention! Actually, it’s called a stellium.

I’m traveling, intending to get out of my usual routine and spend some needed time for R&R. But then i read a few astrological articles about the New Moon and i looked at the chart, and i wanted to give a heads up.

Virgo is ordered, analytical, practical. And yes, that’s a preponderance of Virgo energy (that’s about to lessen as the Moon enters Libra @ 6:05 AM EDT, and then the Sun enters Libra on September 22 – EQUINOX!)

But that’s getting ahead of today.

The ruler of all this Virgo energy, Mercury, is also in Virgo, exactly opposing NEPTUNE. And Neptune is anything BUT practical and straightforward. No, this is a New Moon to be aware – that just when you think you have it all the details figured out, you can feel suddenly (yes, suddenly since Uranus is EXACTLY quincunx the Moon & Sun) confused by the very details you just carefully sorted out. Or, enlightened by a psychic download of intuitive information.

Facts and details can be easily crafted and molded into anything that suits an agenda, throwing shadows and mirrors everywhere and anywhere. The fact spinners have the perfect conditions to practice their craft.

Since you imagination can be revved into overdrive, making firm decisions can be a bridge too far right now. Be open to the information you sense now. It can help you make a better decision very soon. Equinox is just 2 days away and a new season of energy and potential awaits….

Wishing everyone a very happy New Moon. And a sweet, healthy & prosperous New Year!

Click here for an astrology legend to read the symbols.

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Aug 20

The Great American Eclipse of 2017: WAKE UP!


TOTAL Solar Eclipse
August 21, 2017
2:30:10 PM EDT
Greatest TOTALITY – longest is @ Nashville, TN (2 minutes, 40.2 seconds)
1:30:10 PM CDT
Moon & Sun @ 28 Leo 52
Saros Cycle 1N




This is a TOTAL Solar Eclipse of that opens the portal to a new consciousness with the potential for great transformation. Each of us has a choice – emergence or emergency. Continue reading

Aug 07

Lunar Eclipse of August 7, 2017: revealing

Lunar Eclipse
August 7, 2017
@ 2:10:37 PM EDT
Moon @ 15 Aquarius 25
Sun @ 15 Leo 25

Lunar Eclipse of Aug 7, 2017. A “king” will be challenged who threatens the world order and order will be restored unexpectedly. Fortunate turn of events. Continue reading