Moon Forecast
All the daily transits of the Moon to your chart. The most personalized daily horoscope available. More...
**New Moon phase** The Moon conjuncts the Sun
The New Moon occurs when the Moon and the Sun are in the same place in the sky or exactly conjunct in the same sign. During the New Moon phase, the power and illumination of the Sun literally makes the Moon invisible to our sight, and the Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth is at its strongest. The New Moon is the seed time when primal Earth energy is released and we are all infused with a new vitality. A seed is planted in the Earth without light so that all its essence and potential becomes ready to freely, and without thinking, grow to be itself. Without analysis, let yourself grow upward. This is a natural time to start new cycles and undertake new challenges.
For a discussion on the phases of the Moon, visit artcharts Learn Astrology.
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